
The solutions slide articulates how you specifically will address the stated problem from Slide 1. Your explanation of the solution should convey the value proposition to the customer or end user: How does it address their need? How does it make their lives better?

Remember to keep the solution slide concise and focused. You’ll have the opportunity to expand on the business model, market, and other related topics later in the deck.

Note: Some startups may want to split this topic into two slides: Solution and product/service. Those may sound the same, but there are subtle differences. For example “Addressing the world’s energy crisis with fusion technology” is a stated solution. However, the product might be something like The Fusion Machine 3000. The company could pivot to a different machine or a different approach to fusion energy while still maintaining the same stated solution.

Think about whether it makes sense for your company to have separate slides for solution vs. product.

Moat Note: Be sure to include any factors that make it hard for competitors to replicate your product or solution. Do you have patents or other intellectual property protection? Are you the only one who knows how this technology works?



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This solution slide from Divvy is one of the best I’ve seen: A clear and concise description of how they solve the problem of expensive homeownership.

<aside> <img src="/icons/compose_blue.svg" alt="/icons/compose_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Now it’s time to internalize this.
